By now we hope you've heard about magnetic bobbins and the wonders they can do for your embroidery. If not, let me tell you one of the secrets to great embroidery.
Magnetic bobbins. But no, they aren't all the same. Fil-tec bobbins are the best on the market and that's not just my opinion. They run smoother than any plastic or paper sided bobbin. They also run to the very end. You don't stop the embroidery until the bobbin runs out! The little bit extra you spend up front on purchasing saves you so much more money by the end of every box. Smoother, less loopy and tighter embroidery means less wasting bobbin. And on plastic and paper sided, it is suggested (heavily) that you stop the embroidery and toss the bobbin before it is empty. When it comes to colors, the Magna-Glide colors really shine! If you are spending your time winding bobbins (we have a great bobbin winder, check it out here purchasing colored bobbins might be a better solution. Spend more time running your embroidery instead of winding your bobbins. We even sell them in multi colored packs so you can get 1 of 12 different colors. We have a few colors in boxes of 72, jars of 20 and bags of 10 in the L size. We even have all the colors in M size bobbins as well and by the end of this year will be able to offer multi color packs of them. Come check out our bobbins! #embroiderybobbins #colorbobbins #embroidery #magnaglidebobbins #filtecbobbins #AdvantageIncStore
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