If you have people who think you can drop everything and do what you like, when you like, simply because you work from home; You are not alone.
This is dedicated to those of you who have heard such things like: Yeah, but you don't really Work. Or, It's not like you can get fired. Or, No one will know. Or. Can't you please just pick up my child, spouse or other from x for me. Or. You're home anyway, can't you just watch my child, pet or other? My all time favorite is hearing. You are so selfish, you could easily leave and do x with me and yet you just stay home all the time. Yes, I do stay home all the time Because that is where I work. These people go to a job site, get breaks and lunch and when a certain hour rolls around, they leave for the day. To those of us who work at home, that sounds like a vacation. To be able to get time off for a break? A real one? To be able to leave the job at the end of a shift and not think about it. Or better yet, to be able to take a day off and still be paid? None of these things happen when you work from home. You don't get time off, there's no time clock to punch out. And there's no where else to go. While we stopped and tried to explain why we could not go out to lunch, it means we will be working into the evening to catch back up again. For all of you who have to deal with this, I hope you know you are not alone. The majority of business owners who work at home deal with this same problem. Sometimes, knowing you aren't alone can empower you to use the word No. I learned that No is an entire sentence and now I pass on that nugget to you. May your 2022 be peaceful.
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January 2025